There are ways to work with multiple tables in the same query, we can use:

  1. Sub-queries
  2. Implicit Join
  3. Join operators (INNER, OUTER…)


This section will cover methods to join or cbind (if you’re familiar with R) - What’s important to remember is that

  • UNION will rbind, in other words it’ll merge vertically, it’ll add rows that pass the criteria vertically, so we end up with the same width object but the length will vary.
  • JOIN will cbind. It will merge horizontally, so the column number will change (in most cases)

JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them.

We’ll use this setup for examples:

  • dataset:  SouthWind_database
  • left table: Orders
  • right table: Customers
  • related column: CustomerID

Orders Table

OrderID CustomerID OrderDate
10308 2 1996-09-18
10309 37 1996-09-19
10310 77 1996-09-20

Customers Table

Shippers Table
CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Country
1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
2 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Ana Trujillo Mexico
3 Antonio Moreno Taquería Antonio Moreno Mexico
ShipperID ShipperName Phone
1 Speedy Express (503) 555-9831
2 United Package (503) 555-3199
3 Federal Shipping (503) 555-9931

Inner Join


SELECT          column_name(s)
FROM            table1
INNER JOIN      table2
ON              table1.column_name = table2.column_name;

Example with Aliases

SELECT      B.Borrower_ID, B.Last_name, B.Country, L.Borr_ID, L.Loan_ID
ON          B.Borrower_ID = L.Borr_ID
  • (INNER) JOIN & JOIN Both accomplish the same and return records that have matching values in both tables
  • It is very likely that some customers will have multiple orders in the Orders table
  • If you have multiple columns in each table that share the same name with columns in the other table(s) it’s best to include each Tables name in the command

  • We want ALL ORDERS from customers from Customers table that had an order in the Orders table, use CustomerID as the common column
SELECT          Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate
FROM            Orders
INNER JOIN      Customers
ON              Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID;


Number of Records: 196

OrderID CustomerName OrderDate
10308  Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados  9/18/1996 
10365  Antonio Moreno Taquería  11/27/1996 
10383  Around the Horn  12/16/1996 
10355  Around the Horn  11/15/1996 
10278  Berglunds snabbköp  8/12/1996 
10280  Berglunds snabbköp  8/14/1996 

multiple tables

  • What if we want to select all Orders with Customers and Shippers information?
  • It means we have to JOIN three tables
  • We already INNER JOIN two tables above now all we do is join that joint with another INNER JOIN command
  • Note: the first 4 lines are the same as the code chunk above EXCEPT the FROM is now a list, hence the ( )
SELECT          Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate
FROM           (( Orders
                INNER JOIN      Customers
                ON              Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID)
INNER JOIN      Shippers
ON              Orders.ShipperID = Shippers.ShipperID);


Number of Records: 196

OrderID CustomerName ShipperName
10290  Comércio Mineiro  Speedy Express 
10284  Lehmanns Marktstand  Speedy Express 
10388  Seven Seas Imports  Speedy Express 
10390  Ernst Handel  Speedy Express 

Left Join

  • Syntax:
SELECT          column_name(s)
FROM            table1
LEFT JOIN       table2
ON              table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
  • LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
  • Regardless of any matches with the right table, it will return at least ALL records from the left table


SELECT          Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID
FROM            Customers
LEFT JOIN       Orders
ON              Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY        (if any);

Right Join

  • Syntax
SELECT          column_name(s)
FROM            table1
RIGHT JOIN      table2
ON              table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
  • RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
  • Regardless of any matches with the left table, it will return at least ALL records from the right table

Full Join

  • Syntax:
SELECT          column_name(s)
FROM            table1
ON              table1.column_name = table2.column_name
WHERE           condition (if any);
  • FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right table
  • FULL OUTER JOIN & FULL JOIN are the same
  • Note: The FULL OUTER JOIN returns all matching records from both tables whether the other table matches or not. So, if there are rows in table1 that do not have matches in table2, or if there are rows in table2 that do not have matches in table1, those rows will be listed as well.
  • Be aware that this type of join might return a very large result


SELECT           Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID
FROM             Customers
ON               Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY         Customers.CustomerName;


CustomerName OrderID
Null 10309
Null 10310
Alfreds Futterkiste Null
Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados 10308
Antonio Moreno Taquería Null

Self Join

  • Syntax:
SELECT    column_name(s)
FROM     table1 T1, table1 T2
WHERE    condition;
  • Self Join is a regular join but the table is joined with itself
  • In the code above, T1 and T2 are aliases of the same table

Customers table:

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country
Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany
2 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Ana Trujillo Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico
3 Antonio Moreno Taquería Antonio Moreno Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico


  • Let’s extract all unique customers that are from the same city
  • So, using the same table we’d set a condition that CustomerID are not equal -> unique
  • We’d set the City to be equal -> we want all unique customers from they city being the same
  • To pull their names we SELECT Customer Name as well
SELECT          A.CustomerName AS CustomerName1, B.CustomerName AS CustomerName2, A.City
FROM            Customers A, Customers B
WHERE           A.CustomerID <> B.CustomerID
AND             A.City = B.City
ORDER BY        A.City;


CustomerName1 CustomerName2 City
FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A. Bólido Comidas preparadas Madrid
Bólido Comidas preparadas FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A. Madrid
Bólido Comidas preparadas Romero y tomillo Madrid
FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A. Romero y tomillo Madrid
Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Antonio Moreno Taquería México D.F.
Pericles Comidas clásicas Centro comercial Moctezuma México D.F.
Antonio Moreno Taquería Centro comercial Moctezuma México D.F.
Antonio Moreno Taquería Tortuga Restaurante México D.F.
Centro comercial Moctezuma Tortuga Restaurante México D.F.

Implicit Joins

This section crosses between subquery and joins, it is more a join than a subquery so I’ll include it here as well as in the subquery page.

2 Tables in From

  • Consider what would happen if we used 2 tables in the From statement
  • This will result in a FULL JOIN - Cartesian Join
  • You will end up with more rows than for each table individually

Every row from the first table is joined with every row from the second table, no common keys/columns are used, so you can imagine how big can become if we have two large tables

FROM    Employees, Departments


Lets limit the results of the join using additional operands. We want the rows where dept_id matches dep_id. Note the use of table names to prefix with every column name

FROM    Employees, Departments
WHERE   Employees.dep_id = Departments.dept_id;


Since table names can be long and our statements can become long and complicated, we can use aliases without the use of AS

FROM    Employees E, Departments D
WHERE   E.dep_id = D.dept_id;

# __ To subset even further we can narrow the SELECT statement
SELECT  Emp_id, Dep_name
FROM    Employees E, Departments D
WHERE   E.dep_id = D.dept_id;


Implicit Inner Join
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.column_name = table2.column_name; Implicit Inner Join combines two or more records but displays only matching values in both tables. Inner join applies only the specified columns. SELECT * FROM employees, jobs where employees.job_id = jobs.job_ident;
Implicit Cross Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1, table2; Implicit Cross Join is defined as a Cartesian product where the number of rows in the first table is multiplied by the number of rows in the second table. SELECT * FROM employees, jobs;
Topic Syntax Description Example
Cross Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 CROSS JOIN table2; The CROSS JOIN is used to generate a paired combination of each row of the first table with each row of the second table. SELECT DEPT_ID_DEP, LOCT_ID FROM DEPARTMENTS CROSS JOIN LOCATIONS;
Inner Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name; WHERE condition; You can use an inner join in a SELECT statement to retrieve only the rows that satisfy the join conditions on every specified table. select E.F_NAME,E.L_NAME, JH.START_DATE from EMPLOYEES as E INNER JOIN JOB_HISTORY as JH on E.EMP_ID=JH.EMPL_ID where E.DEP_ID ='5';
Left Outer Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name WHERE condition; The LEFT OUTER JOIN will return all records from the left side table and the matching records from the right table. select E.EMP_ID,E.L_NAME,E.DEP_ID,D.DEP_NAME from EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN DEPARTMENTS AS D ON E.DEP_ID=D.DEPT_ID_DEP;
Right Outer Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name WHERE condition; The RIGHT OUTER JOIN returns all records from the right table, and the matching records from the left table. select E.EMP_ID,E.L_NAME,E.DEP_ID,D.DEP_NAME from EMPLOYEES AS E RIGHT OUTER JOIN DEPARTMENTS AS D ON E.DEP_ID=D.DEPT_ID_DEP;
Full Outer Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name WHERE condition; The FULL OUTER JOIN clause results in the inclusion of rows from two tables. If a value is missing when rows are joined, that value is null in the result table. select E.F_NAME,E.L_NAME,D.DEP_NAME from EMPLOYEES AS E FULL OUTER JOIN DEPARTMENTS AS D ON E.DEP_ID=D.DEPT_ID_DEP;
Self Join SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 T1, table1 T2 WHERE condition; A self join is regular join but it can be used to joined with itself. SELECT B.* FROM EMPLOYEES A JOIN EMPLOYEES B ON A.MANAGER_ID = B.MANAGER_ID WHERE A.EMP_ID = 'E1001';

Joins in MySQL using phpMyAdmin

Full Outer Join

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name WHERE condition


SELECT column_name(s)FROM table1RIGHT OUTER JOIN table2ON table1.column_name = table2.column_nameWHERE condition

The UNION operator is used to combine the result-set of two or more SELECT statements.